Preview - Netlogo Investigations In Electromagnetism (Niels)

Plotting Coulomb's Force

Using the Electrostatics NetLogo model, plot distance vs. Coulomb's Force. 

To create a plot:

1) In the model, use the TEST-CHARGE slider to choose an electrostatic charge value. Then, click SETUP, then GO as you did before. 

2) Click anywhere in the green box to place the blue charge. Click on the charge and drag it around to adjust the distance between the blue and the other (smaller, red or blue) charge.

3) As you run the model, your data is collected in a data table on the right. Drag the column titled Coulomb's Force to the y-axis of the graph below the data table. Drag the column titled Distance to the x-axis of the graph. 

4) Repeat with different electrostatic charge values. 


Please answer the questions below.

According to your graph, what do you notice about the relationship between distance, Coulomb's force, and the electrostatic charge value?

Upload a photo of the graph that supports these findings. To do this, click on the graph in the workspace above. When the teal option bar pops up, click on the camera at the bottom and save the image as a local file. Then, click use the file finder below to attach the image to this page. You can upload more than one graph that support your findings.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
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